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Meet Andy
(Author, coach, entrepreneur, broker, behavioural change & performance expert)
Andy is a former professional athlete, who following an injury which cut short his career, went on to co-create two multimillion-dollar city brokerages. But after achieving traditional “success” Andy was left feeling broken. He was unfit, unhealthy, overweight, stressed and unhappy.
Andy believed there had to be another way to be successful while staying super fit, healthy, maintaining a happy home life and doing it with a smile on his face. So, 10 years ago Andy went on an adventure to study the art of behavioural change and elite performance.
The techniques Andy uncovered transformed his mind, body, business and most importantly his relationships. Inspired, Andy firstly co-founded a world-leading behavioural change platform (OYNB) OneYearNoBeer.com which is a 28,90 or 365-day alcohol-free challenge, inspiring over 100,000 people to transform their relationship with alcohol. And his latest venture, Seneca Performance is revolutionising corporate wellness through its unique mind, body and lifestyle management program for elite business professionals.
Andy is also the author of two best-selling books and is one of only a few coaches to hold a Masters degree in coaching psychology and positive psychology. Andy’s unique background, education and experience make him one of the world’s leading behavioural change experts and performance coaches. He also regularly speaks about behavioural change and peak performance.

The Rich Roll Podcast
"I first met Andy two years ago when he turned up for our Plantpower Ireland retreat. Fast friends from the outset, I’ve wanted to share his story ever since." - Rich Roll

Feel Better Live More Podcast
"Andy's story is super inspiring and this is a fantastic conversation" - Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Best Selling Author
Andy has recently released his second book on Motivation called "Lets Do This!' and he is currently working on his third, watch this space!

Let's Do This!
How to use motivational psychology to change your habits for life
Is the motivational playbook for any type of personal change, from losing 10lbs o stepping up in your career to running a half marathon. The difference between giving up and succeeding comes down to mastering your motivation to take control of your life.
In this unapologetically positive book, Andy Ramage explains the theory and practice of motivation so that you can make any change in your life , and make it last.

The 28-day Alcohol-Free Challenge
Take the 28-day alcohol-free challenge and discover a hangover-free world of quality time to achieve your goals.
This book is aimed at middle lane drinks, who sometimes drink averagely, sometimes heavily, sometimes not at all, and occasionally moderately, which is basically everyone!

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Learn how to be more confident, productive, motivated and happy in these turbulent times!
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